Sunday, November 2, 2008

what a way to wake up...

that's right, I woke up to this lovely little thing, a lemon coconut snowball! My sister and her roommates got dressed up in their best circle skirts and baked these lovelies. then gave one to me!

The recipe can be found in the book Cupcakes! by Elinor Klivans, a cookbook that I received for Christmas last year (thanks steph). I would highly recommend it, every recipe has been seriously delicious.


Anna K. said...

That must have been so delight-some!

Chris & Jackie Kontoes said...

Katie, I am waiting in my bed so that I can wake up to a perfect cupcake. I dont want to ruin the surprise so I will just lay in my bed until you drop off my lemon-poppy seed butterfly cupcake.

thanks in advance!