Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So our giveaway for a free cry baby matinee was not so popular. Although, I do realize that readers who do not live in Laie... or on Oahu... can't really go. If you are in the area and are reading this, whats up? Would a different time or day work better? Laie Palms has agreed to let us give away movie tickets so let us know (so you can go fo free!)

(ps. Jonna, you win a ticket!)


Molly said...

Sadly, I work at the same time as the cry baby movie, other wise I would have been ALL over it! I am bonkers for movies and the same goes for not driving far!

The Price Family said...

Yeah I have class the same time as it otherwise I would be there too.

Stephanie said...

we had shots today but we are SO THERE next week for where the wild things are!!!!!!

liko said...

like i said before, i would so be there, too, if my schedule allowed.